Fall 2019 Season

The new season of the Iowa City Community String Orchestra is about to begin!

If you’re interested and planning to play with the orchestra this year, please complete the sign-up form at https://forms.gle/pjyrWXCjR61TJ7kJ7 over the next couple weeks (once for every person if you’re signing up multiple people).

Rehearsals begin September 10! As in the past, rehearsals are every Tuesday at the North Preucil campus, 2916 Northgate Drive in Iowa City, 7:30pm-9:30pm.

Dress Rehearsal at Englert on Saturday, November 23, 9:00 am-noon
Concert is November 24 at 3 pm at the Englert Theatre. Call will be at 1:30 or 2:00 for warmup.

Fall Program:
Linda Robbins Coleman – Hibernia Suite: Land of Youth
Various solos with Hannah Holman, cellist
Suk – Serenade