Fall 2018 Orchestra Info

I hope you have had a great summer and are ready to begin a new season with the ICCSO!

Rehearsals begin September 11! As in the past, rehearsals are every Tuesday at the North Preucil campus, 2916 Northgate Drive in Iowa City. This includes the Tuesday before the concert on November 13th which in the past has been at the concert venue.

Dress Rehearsal at Englert on Saturday, November 17, 9:00 am-noon
Concert is November 18 at 3 pm at the Englert Theatre. Call will be at 1:30 or 2:00 for warmup.

Fall Program:
Scarlatti – Cat’s Fugue
Mozart – Adagio and Fugue
Justice – Sunday Afternoons
Beethoven – Violin Concerto (Katie Wolfe, soloist)

If you’re interested in joining, please contact the orchestra president for more information!