Greetings! I hope everyone had a great summer. It is time for fall orchestra!
We will begin rehearsals on Tuesday, September 8, 2015.
The concert will be Sunday, November 22nd at 3:00 at the Englert Theatre. Dress rehearsal is on Saturday, November 21st at the Englert, 9:00 am – noon.
Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 7:30-9:30 pm at Preucil School North Campus (driving directions). All Tuesdays are currently scheduled, except for September 22.
The November 19 rehearsal is at the Englert.
Dues are $50.
No auditions required.
Please recruit! We are in need of some more players, especially cellists and violists. Feel free to pass along the message to any other interested string players and please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email for any questions!
This program is unique!
An original piece by a local composer featuring the Guzheng!